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Version: 0.9


Management Dashboard

Ikaros Console File Manager

  • 1: Select the file type to be queried, including Images, Videos, Documents, Audio, Unknown. After selection, the file list below will be updated.
  • 2: Enter the file name and press Enter for a fuzzy search. The file list below will be updated.
  • 3: Display the total number of files that meet the filtering conditions.
  • 4: Select the number of files per page for paginated queries.
  • 5: Click to go to the previous page. The file list below will be updated. If it is the first page, it cannot be clicked.
  • 6: Go to a specified page. The file list below will be updated.
  • 7: Enter the page number to go to a specified page. The file list below will be updated.
  • 8: Open the file upload drawer on the right.
  • 9: Control whether the current page's data is displayed in order by ID.
  • 10: Double-click the current row to open the file details drawer on the left.
  • 11: Modify the file name (it is not recommended to modify the file extension), and press Enter to update.
  • 12: Open the file details drawer on the left.
  • 13: Delete the file data of the current row. The backend will also delete the file.

Right File Upload Drawer

Ikaros Console File Manager

Left File Details Drawer

Ikaros Console File Manager

  • Upper area for file preview: You can preview some commonly used image and video file formats. Preview of other file formats is not supported at the moment.
  • Lower area for file details: Displays some detailed information about the file.

For the file name, double-click it to modify the file name. After modification, click elsewhere to save the name.

Ikaros Console File Manager