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Version: 0.7


System Requirements

This section will cover the hardware and software configurations required to run Ikaros. We recommend reviewing this page before running or deploying Ikaros.

Hardware Configuration


It is not recommended to deploy on cloud servers. Ikaros is designed for private use and is generally deployed within a home network, with no external access.


No special requirements. You can use our Docker image.


For a better experience, we recommend a minimum of 1GB of RAM.


No specific requirements.


Do not expose the service to the public internet (relative to your home network).

Software Environment

Ikaros can theoretically run on any platform that supports Docker and Java.


You must have Docker installed in your environment. Currently, Ikaros uses containers for all default installation methods.

JRE (Optional)

Currently, the default and recommended way to install Ikaros is by running it in a Docker container. If you choose to run the jar file, you will need to build the jar package yourself.


JRE 17 is required. We recommend using OpenJDK 17.

You can also use the system's built-in H2 Database, which does not require installation. However, we do not recommend using H2 Database in a production environment.

Web Server (Optional)

If you are deploying in a production environment, you may need to bind a domain. In this case, we recommend using web servers like Nginx or Caddy for reverse proxy.

Wget (Optional)

In the following documentation, we will use wget as an example for downloading the necessary files. Please make sure the server has this package installed. Of course, you are not limited to using wget; if you are familiar with other tools, feel free to use them.

VIM (Optional)

In the following documentation, we will use vim as an example for modifying some necessary configuration files. Similarly, please ensure that this software package is installed on your server. Currently, there is no limitation on the tool for modifying documents; if you are familiar with other editing software, you can use it.

Browser Support

  1. User Interface: Built with Thymeleaf template engine and Bootstrap, it is theoretically supported by modern browsers in current scenarios.
  2. Admin Interface: Supported by commonly used modern browsers, specific support may vary depending on the support of the Vuejs framework.


This section will list some terms related to Ikaros mentioned in the following documents.

~ (Symbol)

Represents the user directory on the current system.


Refers to the Docker image generated by Ikaros build. Users start the Ikaros application using this image.

Working Directory

Refers to the working directory that Ikaros depends on. When Ikaros is running, a folder named .ikaros will be created in the user's home directory with an absolute path of ~/.ikaros. Since this working directory is fixed, the location where the runtime package is stored is not restricted. It typically contains the following directories or files:

  1. database: Stores the physical files of the database. If you use a different database, the data will be in that database.
  2. indices: Index data of the built-in Lucene search engine.
  3. plugins: Contains the plugins installed by the user.
  4. files: Directory for Ikaros files.
  5. logs: Runtime log directory.


A software package used to extend the functionality of Ikaros. Plugins are independent of the Ikaros core application and can be installed and uninstalled separately.


User Guide